Friday, November 5, 2010

Valdosta Black Crow Media, 105.9 FM, and Valdosta Sponsors of Frank Barnas Radio Talk Show, President Obama!

November 5, 2010! 

President Barack Obama is the ONLY president in American or the world that cannot do any thing right in the eyes of (some) American Patriots and Christians. 

So when the history books the world over is written.  The truth will be shown how America relates to her darker citizens after 500 years!  Therefore we must thank God for allowing this hidden secret to be revealed in our times.  So do not become bitter in our struggle to become what our God wanted us to become on the world state of human existence “human beings.” 

These negative Americans will be as their fore parents in the 1700s.  That is images that neither their children nor their grandchildren will be proud of when their historical records are revealed.  So never allow yourselves to be seen as less than a human being with true love for all God created beings and this includes vegetation.  Peace and our God will bless everybody and thing equally!

George Boston Rhynes
Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity

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